Hello World!

After spending a couple of days setting up my development environment with Eclipse, PhoneGap (Cordova 2.0), and jQuery Mobile, I tackled my first application: “Hello World!”

Granted, I can only work on this for 1 or 2 hours at a time since this is my after-work self-improvement studies.  Still, I thought, a simple “Hello World!” shouldn’t take more than 1 hour, right? Wrong! I think one of the biggest contributors to the learning curve for me was learning a whole new world of terminology, including esoteric acronyms like:


It took me quite a while to even get to the point where I could deploy my app to AVD.  In fact, it even took me a while to figure out what AVD meant! What the heck is the AVD? Oh, yes, it’s the Android Virtual Device, in other words, this is the emulator in which you can run your applications for testing purposes … as long as you’re willing to wait and wait and wait for the AVD to launch.


If you’ve never played around with Java, the JAR is simply a thing you use to store things in, such as cookies, pickles, candy, etc.  Well, in Java it’s a bit similar, JAR (Java ARchive) files contain things like classes or executables that can be used by the Java run-time and so on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JAR_(file_format)


ADT Plugin.  This is the Android Development Tools plugin for eclipse.  It makes your life easier … supposedly.

I’ll add more acronyms as they pop into my head.